
Navigating the Healthcare Services in Turkey through These FAQs

Turkey is a country that offers a wide range of healthcare services and facilities to both its citizens and visitors.

Turkey is a country that offers a wide range of healthcare services and facilities to both its citizens and visitors. However, navigating the healthcare system in the country can be confusing, especially for those who are not familiar with the system. This article aims to provide answers to frequently asked questions about healthcare services in Turkey.

What Is the Healthcare System in Turkey Like?

The healthcare system in the country is a mix of public and private healthcare services. The government funds the public healthcare system, and is available to all Turkish citizens and legal residents. On the other hand, private healthcare services are provided by private hospitals and clinics and are available to those who can afford them.

What Is the Quality of Healthcare in Turkey?

The quality of healthcare varies depending on the facility and the type of service being offered. Public healthcare facilities tend to have longer wait times and may have limited resources, while private healthcare facilities offer quicker access to care and more resources. However, both public and private healthcare facilities are generally considered to be of high quality.

Do I Need Health Insurance in Turkey?

Health insurance is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended. The public healthcare system covers Turkish citizens, while foreigners can opt for private healthcare or purchase a private health insurance policy.

What Is the Cost of Healthcare in Turkey?

The cost of healthcare varies depending on the type of service being offered and the facility providing it. Public healthcare services are generally more affordable than private healthcare services. However, private healthcare services can be expensive, especially for those without health insurance.

What Is the Process for Obtaining Healthcare in Turkey?

To obtain healthcare in Turkey, you need to go to a hospital or clinic and register as a patient. You will then be given an appointment with a doctor or specialist. You may need to present your insurance card or policy to the healthcare provider if you have health insurance.

Can I See a Doctor without an Appointment in Turkey?

Making an appointment before seeing a doctor in Turkey is generally recommended. However, some hospitals and clinics also offer walk-in services for emergency cases.

What Medical Facilities Are Available in Turkey?

Turkey has a wide range of medical facilities, including public and private hospitals, clinics, and medical centers. Some of these facilities are specialized and offer specific medical services, such as cancer treatment, fertility treatment, and cosmetic surgery.

What Is the Level of English Proficiency among Healthcare Professionals in Turkey?

English is not widely spoken in Turkey, especially outside major tourist areas. However, many healthcare professionals in Turkey have a good level of English proficiency, especially those working in private healthcare facilities.

What Should I Do in Case of a Medical Emergency in Turkey?

In case of a medical emergency, you should call 112, which is the official medical services number in Turkey. You will be connected to an operator who will ask for details about the situation and dispatch an ambulance or other emergency services as needed.

Can I Bring My Prescription Medication with Me to Turkey?

Yes, you can bring prescription medication with you to Turkey. However, it is recommended to carry a doctor's prescription or a letter from your doctor explaining the medication and the medical condition it is used to treat.


Overall, Turkey's healthcare system offers a mix of public and private healthcare services that are generally considered to be of high quality. While health insurance is not mandatory, it is highly recommended for those who can afford it. With a wide range of medical facilities available and healthcare professionals with good levels of English proficiency, obtaining healthcare in Turkey can be a straightforward process.

If you are looking for a good source of health insurance for expatriates in Turkey, look no further than our services here at Ikamet Sigortam. We are your one-stop institution for acquiring a health insurance policy in order to lawfully live in Turkey and obtain a residence permit. Call us today and let us discuss all the requirements for your needed health insurance.