Residence Permit

Foreigners need a residence permit to work or take up residence for longer than 90 days.

Turkey is a rapidly expanding immigrant destination.

In 2022, 1.354,094 foreigners received residency permits in Turkey, up from 178,964 in 2005. New immigration legislation changed residency requirements in February 2022. As a result, there has been a surge in the number of people, including those interested in purchasing property in Turkey, applying for resident permits, also known as an ikametgah or kimlik in Turkey. The resident permit is sometimes called a TRC (Temporary Residence Certificate) in Turkey.

In April 2014, a new immigration law was passed that altered the requirements for obtaining resident status. As a result, new categories of people seeking residency permits have emerged, such as those looking to buy property in Turkey.

Residence Permits

Turkey has six governed categories of residency permits.


  • There Are Fourteen Di̇sti̇nct Types Of Temporary Resi̇dency, Wi̇th Touri̇sm Bei̇ng The Most Prevalent.


  • A Student Residence Permit May Be Issued To Foreigners Who Will Study At The Associate, Bachelor, Masters, Or Doctoral Levels.


  • A Fami̇ly Resi̇dence Permi̇t Can Be Awarded To A Forei̇gner's Spouse, Mi̇nor Or Dependent Chi̇ld.


  • To Have Spent At Least Eight Consecutive Years In Turkey. Indefinite Long-term Residency Is Issued.


  • Under Turki̇sh Legi̇slati̇on, A Forei̇gner May Obtai̇n A Humani̇tari̇an Resi̇dence Permi̇t İnstead Of İnternati̇onal Refugee Protecti̇on.


  • Forei̇gners Suspected Of Bei̇ng Human Traffi̇cki̇ng Vi̇cti̇ms Are Awarded Resi̇dence Permi̇ts.

How to Proceed?

Residence permit application process

Before you apply

Before applying for residency in Turkey, determine where you want to live. Consider your aim, length, and budget. Cost-of-living and local amenities can help you decide. Questions? Contact us.

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Gather the necessary documents

Research the requirements and collect all required documents, such as a passport, visa, birth or marriage certificates, and proof of income. Please get in touch with us to have your questions answered.

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Online registration and payment

Applying for Turkish residence may be done smoothly and without errors with support. Ikamet Sigortam assists with online registration and payment. Before paying taxes and fees, our team verifies documentation. We'll carefully handle your application.

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Handing in the documents

After registering and paying online, you must attend an interview and present your documents. Arrive early and appropriately suited for your interview. Bring your passport and any other relevant paperwork. Prepare to answer questions about your residency purpose and future ambitions. You can pass the interview and gain Turkish residence with proper preparation and attention to detail.

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Processing time

The processing time for a residency application in Turkey can vary, but it is generally within 90 days. It is essential to be patient and allow sufficient time for your application to be reviewed.

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You'll be notified of the outcomes of your residency application. If your application is approved, you'll receive a residency permit to live and/or work in Turkey. Your residence permit's validity may depend on the type of residence permit you hold and the purpose of your visit. You can appeal or reapply if your application is rejected. Review your application's outcome and understand your rights and options. If you have issues regarding your application's outcomes, contact us.

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After your residency application is approved, you'll receive notification and your "ikamet card" Depending on backlog, delivery takes 3-5 days. After receiving your card, you must register your address and mobile phone. These measures are important to comply with Turkish rules and protect your rights and benefits as a resident. If you have questions or need help, contact us or a lawyer.

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Need Help with Forms?

To ensure immigration success, allow someone to assist you with your paperwork by filling in blanks and correcting errors before submitting it.

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